Summertime Magic ~ by Jennifer Daniels

Every year, spring comes and goes, but as summer is now officially
here, we still see the benefits of spring and all it brings us to enjoy... That is the growth of all life: the trees, flowers, and the new babies that our wildlife.

As I mentioned before, I live in Upstate NY, in the woods. I often
get to see firsthand the new life that joins the world during these two seasons. One of the fun things is seeing the tons of frog eggs we find on the side of our road where the spring run-off flows. It doesn’t take long before the polliwogs will be swimming all over, and soon enough, the frogs will be
singing to us all night long. Along with the frogs are Painted and Snapping turtles that crawl up into the yard and lay their eggs, so far we have seen only one in the yard this year (and I forgot to take a picture).

Every year we have certain animals return, like Mama Robin. This
year she has laid her eggs in the front entrance of the barn. When she collected her nesting materials, she happened to make it out of a blue tarp we had outside on the roof of our small building. In this picture you can only see three of her babies but there are actually four. They are so cute and fun to watch, but we try not to disturb them, which is hard to do being that she is in our barn. Mama is never to far from her nest. 

Other friendly faces we encounter are the turkeys and their poults running after their Mama’s. When they are born they are so cute and puffy, but the cuteness doesn’t last for long.

We have two woodchucks that live on our property and my son has named them Filbert and Mrs. Filbert, but of course as I was trying to get a picture of them, wouldn’t you know, I couldn’t find them. Mrs. Filbert has quite a large waistline, this is the first year we’ve had a Mrs. around, go Filbert!

In the evening we go for drives, enjoy an ice cream treat, and on the drive home look for white-tailed deer and their fawns. The deer are so pretty and deep orange in color and the fawns are so cute with their little wobbly legs and the spots on their backs.

Tonight, my son and I went for a ride and got this picture of the sun

setting after a beautiful summer day. Now, I just need to get out onto the lake.

A huge thank you to my son for taking some of these pictures for me and going on our short walk together the other evening. The mosquitoes and deer flies were so bad, we didn’t stay outside for long.

That is just a taste of the animals that are literally in my back yard. I hope you get out and enjoy this summer and all that nature has to offer in your backyard. Also, since its just around the corner, I want to wish you all a Happy and safe 4th of July.

All photos are property of Jennifer Daniels.

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