Life with Mazie~Part 4~by Joanne Jaytanie

Is anybody out there? 
It’s me, Mazie. 
It feels like years since we last chatted. I miss our conversations. I miss my classmates and visits from my Auntie Ruth. At this point, I’d even get in the Jeep and head over to visit my vet—Nah.

Since we’ve had to stay at home, I keep a close eye on Mom and Dad. We're watching Mom make my dinner. 

It’s my job to make sure they don’t get bored. I’m always up for a game of tug. Here’s my new, really cool toy and it’s my favorite. 
I could play tug for hours.

When my people get tired of playing with one toy, I bring them another, and we start a whole new game. 

The other day Mom put a pair of bunny ears on me, and I got to wish everyone a Happy Easter. It was lots of fun to hear from all the friendly people.

And I’ll tell you a secret—I didn’t mind the ears.  

Then she got carried away and put more stuff on me. 

She thought it was funny.

 But I got tired of sitting, so I started a new game...


Catch me if you can!

Guess Mom didn't think that game was very much fun, because she went into the house. 

I gotta go.
My favorite show is on.  
But don't you worry.
I'll be sure to catch up with you soon.
Until then ~ Smooches!
Luv, Mazie


  1. Hi, Mazie! I'm glad you and your people are safe. Sure is different with people around all the time. You rocked those bunny ears! Good hearing from you. Stay safe. Sending kitteh love and purrs. Bou =^.^=

    1. Thanks Bou! Hope you and your family had a nice Easter. Stay health. Mazie

  2. Mazie, darling: I'm so glad you're home and able to give Mom and Dad some adult supervision. Love you!

  3. Thanks Auntie Ruth. I can't wait for another play date!

  4. I love this series. Mazie was a good sport for you to dress her up and pose for photos. She's such a beauty.


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