Life with Mazie~Part 1~ by Joanne Jaytanie

Hi, my name's Mazie, and I'm the new pup in the house. Mom says I moved in almost five months ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago to me. 

I lead a very busy life and I had to make time to talk to you today. Playing takes lots and lots of time you know, and I'm an expert at the sport. 

I love playing tug, and dad is my toughest opponent.

The bigger the toy, the better, add a squeaker, and I'm in heaven.

My most favorite game is keep-a-way. But for some reason, my people don't seem to like this game. I figure if I keep on playing it, eventually they'll change their mind.

I have lots of comfy beds and now and then I'll lay on one while I'm enjoying my favorite TV show. 

However, my first choice for napping and TV watching is in Mom or Dad's lap.

Mom tries to tell me that I've gotten too big to sit in their lap...I don't believe her.

When I'm not playing, eating, sleeping, or making sure Mom is working at her desk, I have to train. I could live without it, except my people don't agree. 

I'm very good at waiting at mealtimes until Mom says, "Okay." I learned a long time ago that if I don't wait, she picks up my bowl, and we start all over again.

So, like I was saying, my people are pretty serious about this training thing and today I went on an adventure. 

We went to visit my Aunt Noel at her workplace. We did some training, just the three of us. Then Aunt Noel invited us to stay for the puppy class. There were lots of puppies! And exciting things to watch! It was a lot of work listening to what Mom wanted me to do and watch all my classmates. They were fascinating, every one of them was different from me. Most of them had longer coats, and one had a cute haircut. Aunt Noel said I did very good and Mom told me she was impressed with how I behaved.

Mom and Dad said I'll be going back to class next week. They say it's for training. But I know it's because I'm out cold for a couple of hours after we get back home. They're not fooling me.

I'll come by every so often to share my adventures with you. 

Love ~



  1. Mazie! You are so adorable. It's very nice to meet you. I loved reading about your adventures and hope we hear from you soon. Your friend, Bou. =^.^= PS Always remember to listen to your people. They love you very much.

    1. Thank you, Bou. You're my very first kitty friend. I try to behave. You know how it is. I think my people's favorite words are "No" and "off". Don't they know there's just so much to see and do.

    2. Ya, Mom is always telling me "no" and "don't even think about it" but I sure do love snuggling with her and my boy. =^.^=

  2. What a sweet article. Mazie you are a sweetheart ❤️

  3. This was so fun! What a ham! Thank you for sharing!

    1. She certainly is that. Glad you enjoyed it Marj.

  4. I can't wait to meet Mazie. I hope she's doing better with her nipping.

    1. She’s outgrown it finally. She’s a character, that’s for sure.

  5. What a great post. It made me remember my black teacup Pomeranian dog.


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