HELP! Blog Post Ideas Needed ~ by Andi Lawrencovna

Oh boy.

I’ve been sitting here for a while now trying to think of something to write about, and I’m drawing a total blank.

Christmas is over. The New Year is here. Resolutions suck. And, you know…Facebook…

Sometimes, I’ve found, it’s okay not to have a plan or any ideas on your plate. Your mind needs to take a break to reboot, because we really are just super high-speed computers, if you think about it.

We rush, rush, rush all through the holiday season, trying to do everything for everyone, and even though a lot of us have time off, it’s not a vacation. Or, you go on vacation, and when you get home you need a vacation from that!

Breathe. Relax. Go look up flowers on the internet and try to smell
them through the screen. It won’t work, but it’s kinda funny to look at and it’ll make you smile when you think about it later.

As we start this new year needing new ideas and new goals and new MORE…take time to sit back and relax a bit.

Don’t reflect. I think every time I try to sit down and reflect about last year, I depress myself because of all the goals I set and didn’t achieve, forgetting about what I did get accomplished. Reflection is great, but there is a time and place for that, too. Don’t let the new year get bogged down in last year’s…stuff.

For right now, just take a little moment not to worry about the past or the present or the future. Have that blank plate or page or whatever, and let yourself be okay with it – trust me, it will fill up fast.

The key is moderation. I know – really?!?!

Yeah. It’s so stupid and I hate that stupid phrase but “everything in moderation, including moderation.” Life is a balancing act of doing and resting. We tend to have attitudes of: if we’re not doing, we’re wasting, but that’s not true. Seriously, taking a rest is NEEDED. Our bodies and minds are so often forced to action that finding a moment of peace becomes a quest for the Holy Grail.

And a lot of times we need permission or an order to take that moment to ourselves, because those crazy active ideas in our heads keep telling us to move and we don’t want to listen to the “stop button” we’re pressing subconsciously.

So, here is your order to breathe, sit back, and relax for a moment
this year.

All those ideas you have or don’t have but are looking for will still be there in an hour, a day, or whatever. You’re too active not to go back and pick them up later, so don’t panic putting them down. And heck, if you need me to tell you to get back to work, I can do that, too. Not a problem.

In the meantime, after you’ve taken a minute to rest and recover and get ready to move forward, if you could think of some topics you might want to hear me ramble about, hit me up! Or not. Because you’re resting, and so am I. We’ll get back to the grind soon enough, but until then, this has been your friendly reminder that it’s okay to take a break, and not have a plan because the plans are coming and they’ll add up soon.

I guess I should really re-title this blog post, but…it hopefully got your attention, and you’re hopefully maybe a little giggly about it and breathing a little easier with it.

If not…uhm…blame Facebook. Seriously, everything happens because of Facebook, I take no responsibility after this.

Love you all and I hope that you truly did have a wonderful and blessed holiday season and start to the new year. Next month look for my post on getting back to work…maybe. I might have found a new idea to go with by then so, you’ll just have to breathe and move forward at your own pace.

(P.S.: Here are some links to pretty and fun things that you can look at to help you take that moment break…)


  1. I love this.I stress way too much about things I shouldn't. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Good reminder... it's been a struggle my entire life to actually stop. Work, family, health.. I worry way to much.

  3. I absolutely LOVE this!!! Well done and SO true!

  4. Why do I feel as if you’re speaking directly to me??!

  5. I believe it's times like these that gives your mind the freedom to just be. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  6. My long time writing partner reminds me it is okay sometimes to go with the "no plan plan."

  7. Not quite the same thing but reminds me, this story I'm working on for Kaleidoscope that's supposed to be 5-10k words, I went with the first story idea that wasn't novel-length. That's a bit huge for me since I tend to write short stories. It was kind of comical.

    In any event... yes. Give yourself permission to relax, unplug. New stories are found in the spaces between the universes.


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