Resolutions vs Truths ~ by Grace Augustine

I've never been one to set resolutions for a new year or any other occasion. However, with that said, I do set new annual truths for myself, including a special word for the new year. Below you will find my 20 Truths for 2020.

My special word for this year is FORWARD. With this being the year 2020, the year of perfect vision, it is only fitting that I choose this word. I will let go of the past, of all things that no longer serve me, and look solely to the future and what it holds. I will move one step at a time and enjoy every second of that step, making new memories and new friends and achieving new things.

My wish for you during this new year and decade is one of prosperity in all areas of your life. It is one of hope in all good things. It is one of peace and love that you share with all who surround you.


  1. Thanks for sharing your truths, Grace. I wrote writing goals to keep me accountable for that part of my life. I will have to adopt some of your truths.

  2. I know I won't meet all of them, but if I can achieve one, I'm better than I was last year! Good luck with your writing goals.


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