The strange creatures that are authors, and getting back into the swing of things after the holidays… By: Darlene Kuncytes

As we start a brand-new year, I find myself desperately trying to get back into the swing of things. The holidays are wonderful…don’t get me wrong. But, let’s face it. They are exhausting. Both mentally and physically.

We tend to give ourselves passes on eating healthy and basically start eating junk around the first of December and ending New Year's Day. Lol At least I know I have. I’m not a big sweet eater, but during the holiday’s, all bets are off! Not to mention the food brought in by vendors and such, so when the first of the year rolls around I realize how sluggish I am. Body and brain.

So, in order to get myself motivated to start writing and getting myself back on track - I try to follow this simple rule:

New Year…new goals. Just don’t make yourself crazy trying to be perfect.

I try to start by mapping out what I want to accomplish this year with my writing. But…who are we kidding? I am SO unorganized it isn’t even funny, and I usually just end up with a blank page staring back at me.

I have a friend who sets goals of how many words a day she wants to write…and does it! And it’s amazing stuff! I only wish I could be that disciplined!  I really do, but I am SO not that person. I have to let the words come as they will. For me, if I try to make myself do it, my mind fights back and begins to wander to places where it does not belong. It latches on to ANYTHING other than the task at hand and then I, in turn, get super frustrated and it’s a whole thing. 

So, what do I do to get rid of the post-holiday funk? 

I daydream. Take a walk. Have dinner with friends. I breathe. I let the muses take me where they will. It’s not always ideal as I’ve struggled recently. Life just seems to keep getting in the way. But…I have also felt my muses beginning to knock once again on the doors of my brain, and I plan on letting them in! I will welcome those suckers with open arms.

My mojo is there, I just need to move on from the craziness of the holidays and focus on revving it up. Something I have had other authors tell me lately they are struggling to do as well.

Writers are strange creatures. We can be introverts to the extreme, but we also love our readers. We get energy from them. From their love of our words, and we could not survive without them. We come alive when we interact with them and it rejuvenates us like nothing else can. It’s one of the times we truly come out of our shell. 

So, as a reader, never ever be afraid to contact a writer that you love. We need it. It’s what keeps us going. It’s what makes us better.

Writers are a very interesting group. We are diverse souls with one common goal…allowing you to lose yourself to the worlds we weave. And those worlds are amazingly plentiful.

We are kooky and dreamers, and we find ourselves hiding from reality in the most fun ways. Our goal is to take you with us!
So, now that the sugar is slowing seeping from my soul and the merriment of the holiday season is behind us…it’s time to get back to work!

Happy writing! AND Happy reading! 😉


  1. Losing mojo, writing muses who up and decide they need vacations...oy. It's a wonder we get anything done. Thanks for your insight, and I totally agree, holiday sugar let down is a problem!

  2. I've heard so many so many authors say this lately. For me it's the gloom, right now. I mean I know there's a sun up there but I'd really like to see it shining. Here's hoping our muses come back from vacation rejuvenated and ready to make 2020 a great year. Hugs!

    1. That is a factor too! I miss being able to grab my coffee and computer and go sit outside.

  3. Mojo. She's a fickle gal. Here one min, out the next.
    I find that when I start stressing, it's time to step back and do more reading. And having dinner w friends like you, Miss Dar! You're good inspiration!

  4. So true! I'm like you; I can't force the words (I think we chatted about this on the podcast).

  5. Like so many others, I also took a break from writing over the holidays in favor of spending time with family. I'm happy to say I'm back at my desk almost every morning.


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