An Easter pictorial (with commentary 😉) ~ by Kristine Raymond

I haven't celebrated Easter since I was a kid but scrolling through the internet in preparation for today's post sure brought back a lot of great memories!

Most years for Easter, we'd visit my grandparents in New Jersey.  I remember posing for pictures decked out in a pastel-colored dress, white patent leathers, and white lace gloves that itched to high heaven.  Oh, and let's not forget the miniature white patent leather handbag I carried.  The picture below is not of me or my family but a great representation of.
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Easter supper consisted of ham, kielbasa, potato salad, hard-boiled eggs and horseradish, and rye bread with caraway seeds, but the pièce de résistance was the butter lamb.
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Thoroughly enchanted as a youngster at having a farm animal on the dinner table, edible though it was, I only learned while researching this post its significance.  A tradition that began in Poland, as well as several other Eastern European countries, the Butter Lamb symbolizes the sacrifice of the Lamb of God in the Eucharist.

It's interesting that my family followed this tradition because they weren't religious and didn't attend church.  I'm guessing it was a nod to our Polish heritage.

While we're on the subject of food, each year Mom made sugar eggs that were for 'decoration only'; simply too pretty to eat, though I may have broken off a piece or two from the back.  Shhh...don't tell!
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Copyright - All Wrapped Up
 Wicker baskets filled with candy and toys awaited us on Easter morning.  I always loved the ones wrapped in colored cellophane.  Marshmallow Peeps, foil-wrapped 'Easter' eggs, and chocolate bunnies...mmmm. 

Jelly beans were my favorite, but not the black ones - bleech!

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Another homemade favorite?  Birds' nest cupcakes.  There's just something about dyed coconut and speckled malted milk eggs that elevates this dessert into something magical.  At least, in an eight-year-old's eyes.
Copyright - Betty Crocker

You want more Easter memories?  How about fragrant Easter lilies...

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Easter grass (this stuff was as bad as Christmas  It got everywhere!)...

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and pastel plastic eggs filled with goodies.
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As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm not a fan of pastels but in springtime, and especially at Easter, the soft palette fills my heart with joy.

What are some of your favorite Easter memories?


  1. What a wonderful walk down memory lane! I remember the beautiful Easter dresses and shiny shoes with lace trimmed anklets, and hats! The butter lamb is a new tradition to hear about. Thanks for sharing and Happy Easter.

  2. Lovely post, Kristine. My memories of Easter include egg hunts, Easter baskets and a new outfit for church -- dress, shiny white shoes, hat and gloves.

    1. Thanks, Jacquolyn. I think those shiny white shoes were a

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