Life of an Indie Author ~ by Joanne Jaytanie

There is a multitude of balls to juggle when you're an indie author. The primary one is to produce a quality story, a story that readers will be interested in reading. Lucky for me, I love that part of my job – if I didn’t, I’d be in the wrong business, right? However, you can't just write a story, throw it up on Amazon, and believe it will sell like the next Harry Potter series. It could, but chances are it won't. To get to this step in the process, you need to:

  • Be dedicated and disciplined to writing every day. This is something I continually work on.

  • Find a few great editors. Have your manuscript read and edited. Rinse and repeat, over and over. And no matter how many times you do it, something will slip through.

  • Find a fantastic book cover designer.

  • Get your ISBNs. Every book has its individual ISBN. Every format, print, audio, eBook, has its own ISBN.

  • Format your manuscript for the company where you want it published.

While you’re editing your manuscript, or even before, you should be doing marketing and promotion. Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are a must. Create a website and a newsletter. Join writers’ groups, do book signings, podcasts, book trailers, and write blogs.

I just happen to know of a blog that always supports the Arts.

Support other authors and they will support you.

Marketing and promotion is a must if you're publishing your own books and even if you're a traditionally published author. You've put in the blood, sweat, and many, many tears. You don't want your book sitting around, collecting cyber-dust. You want it READ! 

And don’t forget the continuing education: on-line classes, conferences, workshops, workbooks, and my favorite – writers’ retreats (and not just because there is wine involved.) I am a firm believer in the school of thought that you can never stop learning. Things change, they evolve. What worked last year might not work now. What works for one author might not work for you. Something new is always on the horizon.

I’ve simplified the process, but I’ve touched on most of the main points. It’s a tough business, but a fulfilling one. I’ve made so many amazing friends. Friends who are near and dear to my heart, people who will always be in my life.

To be successful as an author, you will need three things - Discipline, Dedication, and Determination.

What am I doing now? I’m continually promoting. I am finally working on a course I should have started months ago. Twice as Bad is in the editing loop. I’m revising my series bible for The Winters Sisters Series by reading through the books and refreshing myself with the details so I can jump back into book 5. And I can’t wait to get started!

Until next time…



  1. Well said, Joanne. Figuring it all out can be daunting, but there certainly is a great community of people to help us along the way. One of my faves is also writers retreats, partially because of the wine.


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