Summertime Girl ~ by Darlene Kuncytes

We are fast approaching the July 4th holiday, and summer in Ohio seems to have arrived. FINALLY! Although, usually, July 4th always meant the beginning of the end of summer, this year I’m forced to look at it in a completely different way.

We’ve had a horribly wet and rainy few months, and for someone

who craves the sun, it just has not been a fun spring. It’s been heart-breaking, and extremely difficult for those who have been flooded. Lake Erie is overflowing and we’ve had a few beaches near me wiped out because of it. I don’t ever remember that happening.

Summer has always hit late May to early June. The pool has always been open by Memorial Day, but not this year.

Not to mention that I’ve fallen so far behind in getting the yard ready that it has been stressing me out to no end, and the few precious days of sunshine that we have had so far have been sporadic at best.

I don’t know about you all, but being cooped up in the house drives
me positively batty! Not to mention my fur babies refuse to go out when it’s raining, which makes for a not so endearing battle of wills. Lol  And, I can’t really say that I blame them, either. Who wants to have to walk around in a swamp as you are getting pelted and drenched?

Living in Ohio, we have maybe 4 really good months of beautiful weather, at best. And believe me when I say that we covet those months! 

Now, I’m not saying that I don’t love fall, because I do! It’s also a favorite of mine. But, waiting months and months for that much needed vitamin D, ONLY to be denied week after week can get anyone’s panties in a twist! 

Then one day you watch the 8-day forecast, and it shows sunny and hot! For days!!! That right there is my Christmas! This is what I look forward to!
Sun! Swimming! Family coming in for vacation!

It means sitting outside and listening to the birds. Listening to the sounds of people mowing their lawns and getting that whiff of fresh cut grass!

It revitalizes me!  I find that I write more when I can sit outside. I have so much more energy. The bones don’t creak quite as much! And that is a very good thing!

I know to those of you who are lucky enough to have sunshine year around, this doesn’t mean much, but to a girl who spends approximately 6 to 7 months of each year covered up – summer is everything!

So, this month I want to remind everyone to just enjoy it! Do something different this year! Make the most of it!

Have a great July everyone!
Love, Dar


Dishing Up Christmas

  Bowl Cozies This year I dusted off sewing skills that had been dormant for decades by taking a couple sewing classes. One of the classes f...