Finding Joy in Nature’s Treasures ~ by Jacquolyn McMurray

Like most serious writers, I spend lots of time in front of my computer writing/revising/editing and attempting to keep up with social media. To give my body a break from the screen, I go outside to walk around a bit. It brings me joy to observe and appreciate the treasures nature offers.

And yes, I am fortunate to live in Hawaiʻi where our climate affords me the opportunity to go outside every day of the year.

Our house on the farm is situated so we cannot see the sun rise or set on the horizon, but we do get to enjoy the vibrant colors that light up the sky.

Our hens provide a few eggs, but more importantly, they are a primary source of entertainment for me.  I love watching them care for their chicks and the way they follow me around in case I might toss them some corn. 

Most every day, a walk around the farm yields something edible—eggs, citrus fruit, avocados, macadamia nuts, limes, papaya or bananas. I am baffled that a hen can lay an egg without breaking the shell and that one tiny seed can produce a tree that bears more fruit than a family of four can eat.

My husband marvels at my ability to find four leaf clovers. On occasion, I’ve found five, six, seven, and eight leaf clovers. Treasures indeed!

Even when I venture beyond the farm, I’m on the lookout for gifts from nature—the  patterns in the hollow of a tree trunk where bees once resided,

the weathered tree stump that resembles a horse’s head, 

or the unfurling of the hāpuʻfern.

There are countless ways of finding one’s joy. For me, appreciating nature provides a quick fix. What do you do that brings joy into your life?


  1. Love this! It seems every time I go outside, a feather lands in my car or at my feet. I have quite a collection!

    1. There are treasures everywhere I look! Glad you notice them, too.

  2. I love this post, Jacquolyn! I need to get out more and just ENJOY. Especially in winter, the only time I'm outdoors is to take care of my animals, then it's back inside to warm up!

    1. I feel your pain! When we lived in Alaska it was way more difficult to go outside in the winter.

  3. Wonderful post, Jacquolyn! The pictures are stunning.

  4. Thanks, Joanne. I like using my own photos for blog posts. No worries over copyright because I always give myself permission. LOL


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