The Evolution of Friendship ~ by Kristine Raymond

I’ve been fortunate to have had several meaningful friendships. Some have been short-lived, with people meant to share a mile or two of my life’s journey. Others are flourishing, infusing joy and inspiration into each step I take.

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Encyclopaedia Brittanica defines friendship as "a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people."  A solid enough definition, yet subject to a myriad of variables.

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Our first taste of friendship comes in early childhood; usually, in the form of playdates - my mom is friends with your mom, and when they get together to chat over coffee, we're left to entertain ourselves...together.  

Sometimes, these pairings lead to lifelong relationships; at others, it's an endurance test, waiting not-so-patiently for Mom to finish her visit so we can go home ("I don't want to come back here!  Susie wouldn't share her toys!"). 

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By the time junior high rolls around, most have found a 'best friend'.  That special someone with whom we share our wildest dreams and secret crushes.  The bond is unbreakable and, if we're lucky, remains through high school, college, and into adulthood.

As we mature, we cross paths with new people - people with the same interests as ours.  We're drawn to them like moths to a flame - these souls who validate our choices and experiences because they're traversing the same path.  As when we were younger, we share our wildest dreams with them (and, maybe, our secret crushes), and we rally in the face of their setbacks because we've experienced a few of our own.  We all have dings and dents, don't we?

Some friendships burn hot then fizzle, like a May-December romance.  Not everyone is meant to be in our life forever.  Others are steady and dependable, staying the course throughout the decades, no matter the challenges we've faced.  

One thing I know for certain - we're never too old to begin a new one.

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  1. Friendships are the flowers in a garden. And our diverse bouquets are to be treasured. Thank you for sharing.

    1. So thankful you're one of my 'blooms' 🌼🥰

  2. I am blessed to have friendships that have come to me later in my life. Beautiful women who make my life a much happier place. Wonderful article.

    1. I think the friendships that come later in life mean more. At least, they do in my case.

  3. I agree that "friendships" fall into a similar category as exercise -- it's not the quantity; it's the quality!
    And I am blessed to have met some Wonderful people in this journey through life!
    Thank you for this great reminder post!

  4. I love the phrase "endurance test." That's exactly what it feels like to be thrown together with someone you would rather not spend time with.

    1. Lol. I've had my share of endurance tests throughout the years.


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