A Brand New Decade...A Brand New Start ~ by Darlene Kuncytes

Well, the New Year is upon us. It’s coming!
A new decade…a fresh start.

This past year as an author has been an especially tough one for me. Actually, the past few years have. Writers block. No time. A lot of not so great stuff going on with some authors that kind of took the shine off of the writing community for me.


As this decade grows closer to coming to an end, I realized that I will not let the negativity of a few bad apples dampen my passion for what I do.

I write. It’s what I love. It’s what keeps me sane in a whole lot of ways. Lol. It’s what makes me happy, and at the end of a long, tiring work day…it helps me to escape for a little while.

Anyone who has a love for something, whether it’s music, art, crafts, writing, or whatever, knows that even when we hit a mountain, we still trudge along. Making our way up that incline until it evens out and once again becomes a more even path is our goal.

Nothing in life is ever always easy. Creativity is a fickle beast. She comes and goes like the tides.

What we need to remember is that it’s okay.

An author friend of mine was beating herself up because she just hasn’t felt like putting words to the page. And believe me, I understood where she was coming from. Like I said, I have been fighting that battle. But it can’t be forced. It must come when it’s time.

We have so much going on in our lives that sometimes things get lost in the melee. It will be found again, because it is part of us. It’s in our souls. We simply need to remember to breathe. To take a step back and release the negative energy.

We are approaching a brand-new decade. Let’s make it a point to be kinder and more aware of the things around us. Let’s get our creative juices flowing again, and strive to make this upcoming year a year of change for the better.

A year of maybe doing something small that will affect others in a positive, supportive way.

Find your passion again if it’s strayed away from you, or perhaps find a brand-new passion.

How about in this new year we realize that the possibilities of what we can do are endless! Let’s not short change ourselves or what we can do. Every little ripple we send out there grows and grows and hopefully inspires others to do the same until we make a mighty wave.

Never think that what you do doesn’t matter. Because it does!

So, here’s to 2020. Here’s to looking for the good. Learning from the bad. And making this year a glorious one!

Love and kisses everyone!

See you next year! 😉



  1. Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2020! The new decade is ripe with adventures for all of us!

  2. Darlene - I'm heartened to hear you have not given up on writing. It is in our souls! All the best in the new year and beyond...

  3. Wishing you the very best in this new year.


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