A magical night at the luau~by Joanne Jaytanie

One of the adventures at the top of my list while visiting The Big Island, was to experience a luau. It was an enchanting evening and the setting was perfection.

We attended the Voyagers of the Pacific Luau, complete with a traditional Imu ceremony. An Imu is an underground oven where a combination of stone, hot coals, and layers of leaves are used to steam the food, in this case, it was a Kalua pig.

The Voyagers of the Pacific show was magical. The luau dancers shared the stories of their ancestors who journeyed from the Polynesian Islands to Hawaii. 

The sunset was a wonderful addition to the evening's events.

I met my youngest fan. He was very cute. I signed a bookmark for him and he snapped a photo. 

We enjoyed great food, an amazing show, and interesting conversation. Jackie and I struck up a conversation with a couple of women sitting across from us. They were teachers ...from Tacoma, WA. It truly is a small world, filled with fascinating adventures. 

If you'd like to read more about my trip to Hawaii, which includes a submarine ride or to learn about my books, Visit my personal page by clicking here

Until next time...



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