Love True--It Can Be Just for You ~ by musician John Tracy

We are all searching for true love, aren’t we? The motivation behind the new single “Love True Just For You” was to encourage my youngest daughter to be patient, that love true would indeed find her when she least expected it.

“…You’ll find rescue from the lonely abyss in a tender kiss …” 

I truly do believe that. I’m a romantic at heart. It happened for me when I thought I’d never find the one who was meant for me until one day out of the blue she appeared, almost thirty-six years ago now. In our complicated world with so much negativity swirling around, such a positive thought might seem simple or trite. But it is a belief I hold firmly to.

I think, however, that this search for “love true” is about more than just romantic love. This idea goes as deep as wanting to find true love in what we do each day - in our work as well as in our play. My love of music started back in my teens. It was right around the time I turned twenty that this hobby became a passion. The songs from my musical heroes did something in me – they gave me hope, made me feel less alone, and gave me a glimpse of happiness. I wanted to learn how to do that for other people. So, I began studying the art of songwriting.

The demands of daily living soon got in the way of this passion. Getting married, raising and supporting a family became the priorities and I suppressed this desire to create music. That is until 2006, when the need to be creative would not stay down any more. 

I was working with my father in the family business. My years there had been fraught with conflict, tension and more stress than was healthy. I was burning out and the fissure in my resolve allowed this pent-up passion to bubble over.

I said goodbye to all that logic dictated and with the support of my daughters and wife, I set out on this journey to create music that
tells the stories of our lives. It didn’t go as smoothly as I had envisioned it. Things seldom do. But through the years and the release of seven albums to date, I continue to grow a loyal fan base who relates to and is encouraged by the messages in my songs. 

Why do I create music? 
I believe people want to feel. We all want to feel alive. We want to feel hope, excitement, peace, joy. Sometimes we just want to cry. I believe that music is the catalyst that can awaken that in all of us. That’s why I write music filled with stories of real life – to help us have that vehicle to experience life with all of our emotions ignited. It is the way I am able to bring hope, joy, inspiration, peace and honesty to you and hopefully in the process, make your journey a little better.

But don’t take my word for it! Come see for yourself!

courtesy of YouTube

John Tracy Bio
An article in the February 2019 issue of Jamsphere Music Magazine hailed John Tracy as “… decidedly one of the most talented active Americana singer-songwriters in the indie industry...” His voice and delivery have a way of worming their way into your heart, in songs populated by instantly sympathetic characters, both clean and dirty guitars, rich melodies, and cleverly written, heart wrenching lyrics.

John is a prolific songwriter with seven full-length albums to his credit. His newest single, “Love True Just for You,” is quintessential John Tracy: a perfect encapsulation of everything that makes his songs and videos as inspirational as they are. When John isn’t writing about love, he is observing, considering and commenting on life, addressing its trials and tribulations and dealing with a world that is changing into something most of us barely recognize any more. His lyrics revel in minute detail, rendering his settings and characters with exquisite clarity. Truly REAL MUSIC for REAL LIFE.

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1 comment:

  1. John, we're delighted to host you as our guest today. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Wishing you all the best.


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