DREAMING is Free ~ by Kim Hornsby

I am a prolific dreamer.

If I wrote as much as I dreamed, I'd have worn off my fingerprints by now from typing.

Each morning, I wake and try to remember my last dream. I do this because my immediate mood is affected by what I was just experiencing in my dream. This morning I woke slightly amazed because my nephew had discovered how to fly. No one had ever tried this before and he was just brave enough to jump off a tower into the wind to discover if he put his arms out a certain way, he could fly, like skydivers without falling. Like going to one of those skydiving places with a wind tube at the mall. He was able to direct himself over to pick up a jacket he'd left at a park and come back. I woke impressed but worried for his safety.

Dreams are the result of an active hind brain that won't go to sleep when the rest of the brain shuts down for the night. Like an ADD child, this part of the brain keeps going, nudging the rest of you to pay attention. Playing with toys, essentially, while you sleep.

But what if outside forces could penetrate those dreams, your subconscious, to insert suggestions? Like in the movie Inception? Leonardo diCaprio was developing a way to insert suggestions into a business mogul's mind, taking dreaming to a whole new thriller level.

I love the mystery surrounding dreams. Like the weather, it's something that we all have in common whether we are rich people, dirt poor, athletes, housebound, old or young, everyone dreams.

It's with that in mind that I write books that mention dreams. In my Dream Jumper series, dreams are crucial because the heroes can enter other people's dreams and use that to solve a mystery and eventually do good in the world. I wrote this first book before Inception was a movie and thought I had a unique idea. And now, the first book in the series, The Dream Jumper's Promise, is optioned for film with hopes to begin filming in the next year. In my series, Moody & The Ghost, the hero, Bryndle Moody has gone blind but dreams with sight. She’s also a psychic so her dreams can be prophetic and meaningful. I often insert my dreams into my books. Look for a baby owl or a haunted house.

If dreams are metaphorical representations of our waking expectations, I now know I have some degree of concern over my nephew and his life. It's interesting to remember dreams, interpret them and move on to your waking life every morning.
Happy Dreams, Everyone!
Follow Kim on Twitter to read about her #strangedreams 


  1. Great post, Kim. I enjoy researching and reading dream interpretations of my own dreams. Our brains and mind are fascinating nerve centers of out thoughts and years of collected information.

  2. I'm also fascinated by dreams. Great post! Your Dream Jumper series sounds fascinating. Will have to get it on my TBR list. Congrats on the movie option.


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