Keeping Busy ~ by Jennifer Daniels

This winter seems to be dragging on and on. Being in self isolation with a compromised immune system stinks. So, what to do for fun now that I’m stuck in the house? 

I started a one thousand-piece Harry Potter puzzle that was gifted to me. I pick away at it here and there, and slowly it’s coming together nicely. I have always been a puzzle person and I find it very enjoyable.

Another thing we have been doing as a family is playing Clue. We all figure out who killed who with the whatever in the room. But my husband always is set up where he can solve it first and wins, its still so much fun.

I’ve also been busy crocheting baby blankets for one of my son’s
teachers. She is expecting two blankets, two hats, and two sets of booties need to be made. I have one blanket down and a half of a blanket to go.

With the rest of my time, I have been reading and writing. There are so many books out there to read and I have so many on my Kindle I will never read them all, but I will try my best to.

That’s all for this month. I hope you are all keeping busy, being safe, and staying healthy. Tell me what do you do to past the time?


  1. It's good to be busy during this time. Your crochet work is beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. You are doing such a great variety of activities at your house. I love jigsaw puzzles, but only set them up for special occasions as a treat. I just don't get enough sleep when there is a puzzle calling my name.


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