Thanksgiving Hangovers and All That Goes With It ~ by Darlene Kuncytes

This Thanksgiving was a relatively quiet one for me.

I hosted a small group with family and friends. It was nice. But I couldn’t help but find myself missing the days when my family was so much larger. The chaos and craziness of running all over town seemed endless. Nieces and nephews. Aunts and Uncles and cousins.

It’s inevitable that things change, and I’ve learned something that has become so important to me.

It’s okay.

Change is inevitable. People move away. Children grow up and start families of their own. We lose people we love. It’s a part of life.

What should never change is that we remember to be thankful each and every single day. Not just sitting around a table surrounded by turkey with all the fixings on Thanksgiving.

Although, who are we kidding? Wine always helps. lol

I have so much to be thankful for. We all do. We merely need to take the time, and sometimes put in that little bit of extra effort it takes to see it. Because, let’s face it, sometimes these things are harder to find than others.

The holidays can be crazy, and nothing is crazier than what comes the day after Thanksgiving!

Black Friday!

Dun dun dun…

Nursing a food hangover, all those brave souls swarm the stores in search of the perfect gifts.

I don’t do Black Friday. It scares me. A lot.

Ever since the time my nephew wanted nothing for Christmas except a certain, hot item... Mighty Morphin Power Ranger action figure... and my sister almost threw down with the woman who had nastily grabbed it right from her hands at the store.

We laugh about it now, but at the time, it was insane. That woman was ready to beat down my sister for – as we ended up calling it – that stinking Goldfart figure.

So, to those of you who recover from the food hangover and do it every year…I salute you!!

I stay home. I gorge myself on leftovers as I try to decide what to do with ALL this leftover turkey. How can I disguise it so that no one will know that we are having it for dinner for like the third day in a row! Lolol

And I am still thankful. I’m thankful for so much. Little things and big things. 

It’s so easy at this time of year to forget this. Forget that the holidays are a time of love and friendship. Of doing something for others. 

Enjoy them. Treasure the little ones while they are still little. Cherish those who are the keeper of holidays past. The ones who know all the stories. 

They are irreplaceable.

This season, enjoy the small stuff. Start a new tradition. Just don’t stress yourself out. Life is way too important.

And remember to be thankful every day!


  1. New traditions are good. I agree, the less stress the better!

    1. We need to learn to just enjoy the holidays for what they are. Thank you, for taking the time to read!!!!

  2. I agree! Wonderful to see the kids grow up into little people, but also hard to see the parents and siblings getting older, more frail. I felt a bit of the same nsotalgia for days gone by...but we need to love what we have!
    I'm thankful to have you, Dar, as well as you, Grace! Two good people who make this world a brighter place!

  3. Watching my son grow into the man he is becoming is what I'm thankful for. A long with the rest of my family and friends. As sad Ias I am that we no longer have our pup Kera, I'm thankful to have had her for 13 wonderful years... I went black Friday shopping once and it was more than enough for me. Thank you for this article❤️

  4. I also avoid going anywhere on Black Friday. I prefer to shop online or to make homemade gifts.


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