Lessons I've Learned from Turkeys ~ Jacquolyn McMurray

Many folks think turkeys are stupid. And we've definitely observed some incidences of stupidity in the flock of turkeys that wander through our farm. More than one has drowned in the backyard reservoir by allegedly admiring his own reflection. At least that's hubby's theory.

Not to be a contrarian, but I think turkeys can teach us some valuable lessons about life. 

1) Find your happy place.

The wild turkeys that roam through our farm discovered the lanai of our wood shop. I know turkeys don't smile, per se, but they did seem especially content the day I took the photo.  They often stop and rest and just seem to soak up life.

I thought about places where I feel safe and happy and many locations came to mind.  Our farm is one of those places.  When I take a short view, I see a lot of work: mowing the yard, painting the lanai, and cleaning the chicken coop. But when I take a longer view and gaze toward the ocean, my perspective changes and I'm reminded to be thankful for what I have. 

I've learned my happy place doesn't need to be an actual place. It can be a state of mind like appreciating the opportunity to spend time with friends and family, to have a chunk of time to write, to chat with my kids and the grandboys.

2)  Stick together 

When turkeys sense danger--like an unleashed dog romping toward them--they run en masse.

We are not meant to be solitary beings. As much as I enjoy solitude, I love spending time with friends and family and sharing our ups and downs. As far back as I can remember I have relied on my family and friends in times of struggle. Likewise, when something amazing happens, I can't wait to share the news with those I love. 

3) Challenge yourself now and then. 

Okay, the gravel pile isn't a huge hill for a turkey to climb, but the idea is the same.  Wild turkeys, who rarely fly, can make it to a eucalyptus tree branch fifty feet in the air. 

If I do the same things all the time, I don't grow as a person. My goals for the year usually include taking some sort of coursework that will move me forward in my writing, sticking to some semblance of an exercise plan, and learning something new with technology. 

Challenge yourself. Drive a new route, learn a new skill, spread your wings and fly.


  1. Love this!!!!
    We can certainly learn from the animals around us!

    1. It's a great distraction from my work at home to watch the turkeys, chickens, cats, and hawks. They provide lots of lessons and are a major source of entertainment for me!

  2. Replies
    1. Have you ever watched a chicken chase a cat? Very funny!

  3. Replies
    1. I swear I could write a blog every day about the antics of the animals that pass through the farm.

  4. Great turkey pictures and so Thanksgiving appropriate!


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