A Tribute to Kera Pickle ~ by Jennifer Daniels

As I sit here staring at this screen, I’m desperately trying to figure out what to talk about. I’m not going to lie. The ending of November has been trying for me. 

I had surgery for a Ganglion Cyst on the palm of my hand and if you could see my attempt at typing you would all get quite a kick out of it. I’m attempting this, giggling at my typing “form.” You  certainly don’t realize how much you use your less dominate hand until you have to! Luckily, my sutures will be removed on Tuesday, and I can’t wait!

This week has been a difficult one for my husband, son and me. We lost our beautiful pup, Kera Pickle. Our girl was thirteen and was loved so much. It’s amazing how quiet the house is without her in it, and how much I look for her to be in her spot and she’s not. 

Grieving is such an odd thing even for our fur babies because they become a part of our family unit. It’s seems so selfish that I just wish she was still here, but then I remember she wouldn’t have wanted to be here the way she was on her last day with us.

I’m so thankful that we had our Kera Pickle and what joy she brought to our home: she loved to eat newly fallen snow, she greeted us at the door, she spoke without ever saying a thing, she snuggled up to one of us at night, and how she always laid near my son when he was sick. 

I will miss her staring patiently at me while I got her a treat. This year she is our family's Thanksgiving, because she gave us so much to be thankful for. We love and miss you so much our beautiful Kera Pickle.

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and I look forward to December’s post because Christmas is my favorite Holiday of the year!


The Heart of Personal Shopping

    I loved my volunteer shifts in the food bank’s cafe every Tuesday and Friday. But when the food bank’s website featured a brief video o...