Autumn in New York ~ by Jennifer Daniels

Today is a beautiful Fall day, a time of the year here in the

Adirondack Mountains where things change. I love the changing colors of the leaves. This year it started off looking like we had a lot of reds but now most of the foliage is orange. I love the cooler nights and the warmer days, but as October is passing us by, we are needing a sweatshirt most days. I also love the smell of the air, it's so crisp and fresh, odd considering the leaves are now falling to the ground. Fall makes me so excited because I know my favorite holiday is just around the corner. (Sorry, but I love Christmas!)

The other day my son had a doctor’s appointment and on the way
home we decided to stop and take some pictures. This road we
travel often so we knew it was the perfect place. There is even a cute little babbling brook. It was so pretty to see the colorful leaves slowly falling around and floating downstream. The water sounded so peaceful as it lazily took the leaves on the water current, depositing them elsewhere.

When you take the time to stop and enjoy the moment, you really find so much in what you see. My son found a little rock wall right next to the brook up on the bank. Of course, his mind went straight to how cool that would have been to have had a fort there when he was younger. And as he's talking, I was thinking you would never  have played near this water… Nevertheless, we had a nice car ride home enjoying nature.

Today, I was outside with my pup, Kera, and it’s another gorgeous
day out there... Sunny and warmish--around sixty degrees, perfect for a long sleeve shirt. Peaceful. I live on a dirt road so I have very little traffic. As we walked around the yard, I couldn’t believe how many trees were leaf-bare in just one week. Yet everything is so colorful with all the leaves laying peacefully on the ground.

Many people go for drives up to Whiteface Mountain, in Wilmington, NY. It’s one of the highest peaks of the Adirondack Mountains and the summit has a 360-degree view of the Adirondacks. It’s a gorgeous site to behold. In the winter months that is where most people go to ski, but the drive alone is amazing.

So, with that, I leave you with the peace of Fall and wish you all a very beautiful and very spooky Halloween.


The Heart of Personal Shopping

    I loved my volunteer shifts in the food bank’s cafe every Tuesday and Friday. But when the food bank’s website featured a brief video o...