It’s Just a Dog…And that’s what makes them so extraordinary, Part 8~by Joanne Jaytanie

In May of 2018, I lost Maya, my last Doberman. That date marked the end of 37 years with at least one Doberman in my life. At that time, I was pretty sure I didn't want another. I couldn't bear the heartache, the worry, the extra work that a dog brings with it. 

But the very first time I walked into my house and a Doberman wasn't there to greet me, it felt empty and cold. It was a house. No longer a home. And as time went on that feeling never changed. 

We'd lived in our home for 28 years, and the first night I spent alone in the house, I was uneasy, I couldn't sleep, and I thought I heard Maya. I don't think I went out in the backyard more than a dozen times over the year. A big change from before when I spent part of every day there.

I couldn’t make it through a single day without at least one bout of tears. One day Ralph said, “We need a puppy.” He was right, that much I knew, but could I go through it all again? So, we started talking about a puppy. And we finally decided to take the leap once again. 

Meet Mazie!

Mazie is 14 weeks old today. 

It's been a very long time since I've raised a puppy! They keep you on your toes. I have no idea how I raised littermates – TWICE! Of course, my husband reminds me that I was younger.

Mazie is an incredible puppy, and we already love her.

 She loves people. 

She’s a thinker, which is both good and bad. 

She is very curious and will try new things, usually with a cookie as her reward.

Mazie loves to sit in your lap, to walk between your legs, to sleep under my desk. She is generous with her puppy kisses and loves to cuddle.

There will come a day when she will break my heart all over again. I can only hope and pray that day will be years and years away. But I choose to have Mazie in my life. She has brought laughter back into our home. Unconditional love. Someone who's always by my side and listens to my chattering. Life is better when you share it with a dog.

Until next time…


  1. Welcome to the family, Mazie! I love seeing all your growing up photos. Your forever people are incredible and you definitely are in the best place you can a home filled with love and with your human Mom and Dad.

  2. I'm loving see all the photos and videos (but not enough - more please!) of beautiful Mazie. Love like you've never lost before I say XX I'm so glad she in your life

  3. What a beautiful puppy! She sits up so proud ♥️ It's so fun to watch her grow.


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