So Many Fears, So Little Time ~ by Darlene Kuncytes

     I’ve decided this month to talk a little about fears.
     As we all know, there are many kinds of fear; some easy to overcome, some not so much. And others almost impossible to conquer.
     There are those fears from our childhood that can be overwhelming at times: clowns, spiders, snakes and a plethora of others.
     I could go on and on.
     There are also adult fears: those of taking a chance, of change, of being alone, a new job, of looking like a fool.
     The latter fascinates me. As children, we don’t care a whit how silly we look. We’ll make absolute fools of ourselves to stir up a laugh from our friends and family.

     As kids, we damn well knew how to just let go and have fun.
As adults, that changes. Our fears change. We begin to worry what others will think about us if we let ourselves go and not care. We worry that they’ll think we look foolish.
     And, I can’t help but find that incredibly sad.
     I’m not saying that as adults we should be walking around acting like crazy kids. But, isn’t it nice to occasionally let yourself go, laugh and be crazy without worrying about how others might view you?
     I say, let your freak flag fly every now and again and enjoy life like we did as children… Before responsibilities got the best of us.
Since childhood, I have always had a tremendous fear of needles. The thought of something going INTO my skin or veins gave me the heebie jeebies. Ick! Growing up, my father was diabetic, and I couldn’t even watch him give himself his insulin shot.
     Now, one of my fur babies is diabetic, and believe it or not, I sucked it up and have overcome that fear enough to give her the shots she needs daily. So, I guess it goes to show you we really can overcome them.
     Why not work on the ones that make life so much more enriching, then? Go out there and take a chance! Try something new. Talk to a stranger. Snort when you laugh and not care who hears you.
In short, conquer the fear of looking silly and enjoy every single moment you can!
     Don’t let fears stop you from living!
     Thanks for taking the time to read! Until next time…enjoy!


  1. Oh, man...I remember these days so vividly--those days where you could do just about anything silly and not be ashamed of it. It was a kinder/gentler time, that's for sure. Thank you for the reminder to dance in the rain!!!

  2. I am still a child at heart and love being silly. Fears are things we will always have but they can be overcome with time if you allow it. Thank You Dar for the blog post.Be silly, have fun and hell just let go. Live life, it is already too serious.

  3. There are so many things, from childhood to adulthood, that get 'disciplined' out of us. Oh, to be as carefree as I was in my youth. Great post!

  4. Great reminders to live life to its fullest.

  5. Thanks for sharing, Darlene. At times, we all need a reminder to live the best life we can.


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