When the Words Won't Come ~ by Kristine Raymond

My work in progress has been 'in progress' for some time now.  Like all of my books, the story started out strong, then floundered as I got towards the middle.  Maybe that's because I'm a panster, not a plotter.  I always know how my story is going to begin - and end - but the in-between is sort of fuzzy.

I'm not sure if what happens to me can be classified as 'writer's block'.  It's more of a 'words interruptus' sort of thing.  There's nothing preventing the advancement of the story, as the definition of 'block' suggests.  Quite simply put, the words don't yet exist in my brain.  At least, not the ones I'm looking for.

Many an hour (or day) I've spent staring at a blank screen, wondering how it's possible that, after almost 52 years of life, the process of stringing a sentence together eludes me.  After five years of this same phenomenon repeating itself fifteen times, I've come to accept that the words will come when they're ready, however frustrating and disheartening the wait may be.

So, I occupy my time with other pursuits - podcasting, designing promos or covers, giving interviews - anything to advance my brand until the day comes that I wake up with a head full of words, so many that I can't get them down fast enough.  And it'll happen.  I know it will.  I just need to be patient.  

What's that?  How can I be sure?  Because the proof is sitting on my shelf.


  1. Love the term 'words interuptus' I often have the opposite condition of going on and on. I wonder what that would be called?

  2. I'm glad you've learned to trust the process. That would drive me batty!

    1. Oh, not being able to write the words I want to still drives me batty, but I know they'll show up eventually. That's why I keep proof...lol.


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