Quality Time ~ by Lesley Bimonte Verbus

threw my hat into the ring for a seat on our local City Council a few months ago. I thought long and hard about if I had any hours left in the day to do so - but I did it anyway. I didn’t get the appointment and that was probably a blessing. At least I can still fit in a few Board and Commission meetings from time to time. I do love watching my city grow and operate. 

I am writing this post while I am sitting on an airplane flying from Columbus to Baltimore. While I’m sitting here, I am hoping I have better luck than my husband, Scott, did just last week when Southwest decided to give his luggage an extra five day vacation before returning home. This flight today is for a four day business conference for my day job as a Business Analyst for a health care service company. However, before hopping on this plane, I dropped off two weeks worth of work to our CPA in order to file our tax return for the IT company that Scott and I own.

Mild mannered Business Analyst by day - Superwoman Business Owner by night!

Okay, by early evening…this Superwoman has a 10:00 bedtime.

I definitely cannot and will not take even a fraction of the credit for Linear IT Solutions. Scott busts his hump day in and day out (and many nights, too) to keep our company in the spotlight. My job is to keep the employees, vendors, and Uncle Sam paid. Sometimes, Scott will use me as a pretty face at Networking events because there’s no denying that still has an appeal to many businessmen. Last Friday, during the lunch hour, we ran over to the bank to take care of some business for Linear. Knowing that there was more to discuss, we scheduled me to come back in on Saturday. 
“What time would you like to come in tomorrow?  I don’t want you to get up early on your day off.” I laughed at the well-meaning banker and replied, “What’s a day off?” I spent two more hours there on Saturday morning.
      When I arrive back home at the end of this week, I will catch up on my day job (and all the new projects that will inevitably result from this conference), follow up with my CPA, follow up with the bank, and then turn my Susie-homemaker hat on. You see, I am also the Treasurer for my stepson’s Cub Scout pack and we have a Committee Meeting on Sunday. Bank ledgers, expense reports, and Scout accounts, oh my! Fortunately, the year is winding down (only three months left) so all we really have left are a couple Spring events.
      Ah yes, Spring events. Coming soon to a field near you is another season of flag football - because Sundays aren’t busy enough! An hour of practice and an hour of games (unless it is a double header that day). This all happens after a Church filled morning of Mass and Sunday School. I teach 2nd grade Parish School of Religion (PSR). My kids are only six weeks away from their First Communion so we’re working feverishly toward that. Next weekend, my teaching partner will be out of town so I will have all 23 of those angels to myself.

Whatever time that is left on Sundays goes towards weekly food prep. Long ago are the days of Scott and I stepping on bodybuilding stages, but the lifestyle never really goes away.  Two to three hours and we have our meals for the week done and in the fridge for our family of three. Except dinners; I make dinner fresh every night.  
     The time and money spent by food prepping is astonishing. I highly suggest it. In another attempt to streamline our home life, I have made a tidying goal for 2019. While I haven’t gone full Marie Kondo yet, I have been trying to de-clutter...one corner of the house at a time. I’ve already made two trips to the consignment shop and a trip to Amvets. I also found a couple nice websites for re-selling old textbooks and leisure books (SellBackYourBook.com and TextbookRush.com). In one evening of scanning ISBN bar codes, I racked up over $150 in rainy day cash. Scott unloaded some old gym equipment and an old motor and parts to a metal scrapper last weekend and we have some exciting plans to empty out the garage this Spring.  
     What is my reason for the whole house clean out? Well, my number one reason is so when we move to North Carolina in 2028 (yeah I know that’s nine years away, but there’s a good chance this will take until then) I don’t have to move anything that isn’t absolutely necessary. Plus, the less stuff in the house, the less there is to clean, right?
      I just took a break here to go hit the fitness center after checking into my hotel, and shortly I’m going to head down to the lobby to meet my day job team for dinner. Tomorrow will start a few days of all day meetings and business cases. When I get back to my hotel room I have some payroll and financial analysis to do for Linear. My schedule is crazy, but I still try to get to the gym three to four days a week (five on a good week!) 
    In a couple weekends, Scott and I are heading to Indiana for Scott to shoot in the All the Write Curves photo-shoot coupled with a couple custom shoots.  We decided to stay in Indiana for a night just to hit the town and take in the evening together.  
     You see, between the day job, the business, Cub Scouts, church, city operations, gym time, athletics, modeling, and whatever our son’s extracurricular activity du jour is, I am still a wife - a completely enamored wife who is crazy about her husband. 

You know that dinner I said I make each night? We sit down, together, and eat dinner. We always sit down, if even just for an hour, each night just to connect.  Every marriage needs that time to reconnect. Scott and I both work from home and we spend literally our whole day together. But spending time together isn’t enough - it has to be quality time.  Life is crazy, life is busy, but no matter how fast the world keeps spinning, we have to make time for those relationships that make us whole. I wouldn’t trade 9:00 - 10:00 PM each night for anything.

Lesley Bimonte Verbus is a well-known bodybuilder and model. Her husband is internationally known cover model, Scott Nova. They reside in Ohio.


  1. It's an honor having you with us today. Thank you for sharing your story. Wishing you all the best.

  2. Welcome, Lesley! Thanks so much for taking time out of your very busy schedule to join us! You are a woman on many missions. :)

  3. You are so right that tie together isn't enough. My hubby and I sit down to dinner together with no tv to distract us. It is our time to talk.


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