A Must Do Experience ~ by Darlene Kuncytes

     As an author, I have been so very lucky to have attended quite a few different events and signings in the past six years.
     For my blog post this month, I’m going to touch on what the experience is like, and why authors and readers alike really need to do their very best to attend at least one of these author events. 
     I don’t care if you have one book out, or fifty - there is absolutely nothing like the energy and camaraderie of a well-put together author signing.
     As attending authors, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to meet fellow authors, cover models, publishers, and photographers.  We hang out and mingle with these talented writers, and get their views and opinions on everything from what to do when you have writers block to where did you get those amazing drunken cupcakes that you are handing out to readers! lol 
     This is an amazing community of support and love, and there is nothing like it when you have fifty plus of them all together at once.
     For the reader, it’s the chance to meet and talk with the people who weave the stories they know and love, and they have the chance to meet authors who may be completely new to them.
It’s totally a win/win! (oops! Sorry, my Valley-girl came out there just a little bit!) But it truly is something authors and readers alike need to experience at LEAST once in their lifetime – but let me warn you now, they are so much fun, they very easily become addictive!
     I love meeting and interacting with readers. SO very much. It positively revitalizes me when I find myself feeling a bit sapped of creative energy. Getting to talk with new people, and seeing familiar faces is like catching up with old friends, and it does the soul of a writer so good! 
     For readers, it’s an almost magical experience that won’t soon be forgotten. It’s exciting, and crazy and SO much fun! Plus, you get to talk with authors and get to know what makes them tick. Not to mention collect lots of fun swag! 
Me? I’m just here for the fun and hugs!! Lolol
     For me, the true proof of a great event isn’t really the number of signed books that I’ve sold. I judge a good event on whether or not I’m hoarse at the end of the day!! Lol If I barely have a voice left, then I’ve had a fabulous day!
     So, in closing, for the authors out there who may be intimidated by the very thought of attending these events, start smaller…but START! This is something you really need to experience. Friendships are forged. Idea’s are thrown around and you get to spend time with some amazing people!
     For the readers: Ditto! Come out. Meet us! Talk with us! Get to know us! You really have no idea how much we love meeting all of you amazing readers!

     Thanks for taking the time to read. I hope I’ve shed some light on how much fun these signings are!


  1. What a fun post! Author events and signings are the best. Someday I hope we are in the same place at the same time.

    1. Thank you SO much!! And that is SO my hope!!! I NEED to hug you!

  2. There is always so much positive energy in a room full of authors and readers. Love that!

    1. Yes there sure is!! It is like nothing else!!! <3

  3. I love you dearly! It's always so great to see you!

  4. Ditto, my friend!!! Love you to the moon and back again!!! <3 Hope you don't mind me using our hug photo!! You give the best hugs!!!!

  5. I love meeting readers and getting to know them, in person.


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