Keeping the Balance in Multiple Ways ~ by Author Lori Foster

     I’m a writer of happy endings. Romance, love, caring, family... they all factor in, along with action and danger, and some sexy good times. I write a lot of hours... compulsively... because I get wrapped up in a story, but also to meet contract deadlines.

Balance #1. 
     It’s important to remember that this is a business. Yes, it’s a business crafted around creativity, but a lot of planning by other people goes into traditional publishing. Finding a title that hasn’t been used a gazillion times, hiring models and then completing a cover shoot, writing up back cover copy, scheduling, marketing, promotion and sales – it’s involved, covering several departments, and if an author is late, it can cause a domino effect.
     I understand that sometimes you don’t feel like writing. If you have a contract, write anyway. Put something on paper, even if it’s not gold, and then fix it later. Sometimes the act of writing will get the pipes unclogged, and the imagination will flow.
     I like to keep my Muse talking by doing a lot of reading across multiple genres. Books I love inspire me to be a better writer, but then so do books that I dislike. **grin** I truly believe the journey to find your voice is never ending. We age, mature, evolve, and our voice does the same. So, keep feeding it, keep adapting, and keep enjoying the process.

Balance #2. 
     To me, it’s incredibly important to love what I do. I mean, this is a gift, right? Not the talent aspect (though that is as well) but to write books for a living in my “comfortable clothes” in the privacy of my own home, interacting with readers more online than in person, making up my own schedule, overall being my own boss. Perfection. Best job EVER.
     Only it wouldn’t be if I didn’t already love the stories I tell. If I had to force myself through the writing process with characters or plots that didn’t engage me, well, it could be the opposite of perfection.
     It could be a bitterly flawed and highly resented career.
     If an author chases a popular idea or trend instead of following her heart, writing can quickly become an unpleasant chore. I like to believe that if I love the story and characters, readers will, too. So far, so good!
     Luckily, even on my worst day, I enjoy what I do and I consider myself very fortunate to be successful at it.

Balance #3. 
     Family comes first for me. Always. It might not be that way for everyone, but for me it works. Now, I don’t mean that family can willy-nilly interrupt for no important reason at all. Nope, I shut that down real fast. But if someone truly needs something, if there’s a problem, I’ll make time because priorities are important.
      Sometimes you have to juggle those priorities, sometimes you drop one by mistake (we are all so wonderfully flawed, right?) but you try. You keep your eye on what matters most – the health, well-being, respect, and understanding for your loved ones. 

Balance #4. 
     Giving back. I feel so blessed to have this career – thank you readers, a million times over. You’ve put me in a unique position to be able to help more, in different ways. While I like and donate to a lot of organizations, I have pet projects that I really focus on, like the Animal Adoption Foundation, a no-kill animal shelter. Each year I write one novella where the advance and all royalties go directly to the shelter for the life of the book.
     I also host an annual event – the Reader & Author Get Together – where bestselling authors and newer authors can mix and mingle with 500 attendees. Readers get a lot of personal time with the
authors, and vice versa. We have sponsored parties and meals and soooo much swag, all built around two massive book signings. Our raffles are amazing and we donate all the proceeds to wonderful local organizations. For 2019 (our 15th event!) it’ll be CancerFreeKIDS, who help fund promising research in the hopes of eradicating cancer in children. 
     Interested in the event?

Balance #5. 
     Never take it for granted. Dear readers, I promise I will always work hard at writing the very best books I can. I know you’re smart and discriminating. I know you have choices galore. That you pick up and read one of my books is a very magical thing for me. I’ll always be grateful. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: writing wouldn’t be nearly as much fun, and certainly not as successful, if I didn’t have so many incredible readers. 
     Big hugs to each of you!

Lori Foster is a New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than 100 titles. She’s known for her fun, very sexy contemporary romance novels revolving around alpha males who meet (and fall in love with) strong, independent women.  
Lori’s been a recipient of the prestigious RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for Series Romantic Fantasy, and for Contemporary Romance. Even more fun, Lori’s been a clue in the New York Times crossword puzzle, a clue in the USA TodayQuick-cross puzzle, and the sensual and sexy Too Much Temptation was Amazon’s 2002 top-selling title in Romance.  Be watching for upcoming releases.  SLOW RIDE is out March 12, 2019. BOONE (the newest benefit book) is out June 1st, 2019.  SISTERS OF SUMMER'S END is out June 11, 2019.  You can find out more about Lori by clicking the links below.


  1. Lori, we are delighted to host you today! Thank you for stopping by. Balance is so important in all areas of our life. You're always welcome at ObD.

  2. You're a very giving person and I appreciate you and your books so very much. Love your insight.

  3. Great reminders, Lori. Family is first for me. The tougher balance is juggling day job with writing deadlines. Anybody know how to clone?


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