Plugging Along ~ by Lori Roberts

I’ve been writing since 2011. Blogging isn’t something I enjoy doing, so for those of you who have a blog, my hat is tipped in your direction. When I’m writing a novel, there’s a good possibility I’m plugging along with a few other things.  
    Like all of you, I keep busy. I teach U.S. History during the day and write when home and on the weekends. The rest of my time is spent researching. It’s like the thrill of the hunt for me. I love going on location. My husband and I have a 5th wheel and during the summer and fall we try to plan our vacations around my time off from school and locations near my research sites.

    I can’t imagine writing a novel without first being where my characters will come to life.  I’m not knocking writers who aren’t able to put boots on the ground, so to speak.  It’s just how I roll.
    My parents were always traveling with my sister and me from the time I could walk. I credit my parents for instilling the love of American history in me.  
    Writing came about from characters wanting to tell their story.  It happened at the right time, as these things usually do.  I became a grandmother twice in two months, and it was for my grandchildren that the stories flew from my imagination to my computer.  It was my gift to them, should anything happen to me before they could know me. I even used family names, some centuries old, as characters in each of my books.
   Eight years, eight grandchildren, and five novels later, I’m still plugging along.


  1. Lori, I love that you reenact history through the president's wives. How fun! Thanks for sharing a bit about your world.

  2. Lori, I'm writing a historical romance and agree it is invaluable to visit the location where the story takes place. I enjoy the research part so much, I often need to remind myself to get back to writing chapters!

  3. What a great concept, creating history through the wives of the president's. How wonderful you get to visit your locations.

  4. I love that you are able to visit the places where your stories will take place and that you chose to write your stories as something of a legacy to your grandchildren. How inspiring! Thank you!

  5. Great concept. I too am not great at blogging. I wish I was. Maybe 2019 will be better for me in that respect.


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