It Truly Does Take a Village by Kristine Raymond

I’m not referring to child-rearing in the above statement, though I’ve heard it applies.  I’m talking about the not-so-enviable task of promoting our craft, whether our medium is words, notes, paint, clay, stone, flowers, metal, wood – whatever we implement to give life to our works.  While the process of creating is most often solitary rather than collaborative, when the time comes to reveal our masterpiece to the world it helps to have friends beside us spreading the word.

I love promoting other authors, much more so than I do promoting myself.  I think it stems from growing up in a time when it was frowned upon to ‘toot your own horn’ lest it sound like bragging.  To make matters worse, I had little confidence in myself or my accomplishments; a personality trait that’s taken me decades to overcome.  But since taking the giant, scary step of putting my words out there for all the world to read, I’ve learned to conquer that doubt and embrace the process rather than run from it.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  That doesn’t mean I’m suddenly taking out billboards to announce a new release, but I’ve discovered I’m not alone in how I feel.  I’m surrounded by people who love the creating and despise the promoting, which presents an incredible opportunity for all of us.  Rather than tout our own masterpieces; we willingly, lovingly, enthusiastically share everyone else’s!  A win all around! 

That’s why I’m honored to be among this talented group of authors, songwriters, and artists in Originality by Design.  We’re a group of like-minded folks who may be a little shy about plugging our own stuff, but celebrate our friends’ accomplishments.  One voice alone can reach one person, but ten or twenty or one hundred voices reach so many more. 

It’s our little village – and the welcome mat is always out.


  1. Thanks for posting this, Kristine. This mindset is definitely something we all need to incorporate into our lives

  2. Awesome post and SO very true!! We need to support and build each other up!!! <3

  3. Very well said. Thank you, Kristine.

  4. Very nice post, Kristine. This is something we all need to do and sometimes be reminded to do it. I can get caught up in my surroundings and lately, Facebook is limiting what I see. I don't mind getting a message from a fellow creator asking if I'll promote something for them.

  5. Like Kristine, I'm pleased to be a part of this group of creatives and welcome the opportunity to support one another. Thank you, Kristine, for voicing what many of us already think - promotion is part of our job, yet it can feel daunting.

  6. A wonderful reminder and such truth in your words!


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