Rejuvnate ~ by Darlene Kuncytes

Well…it’s that time of year again. That span of time after all the holiday madness when we live our lives just waiting for the next celebration.

The next day off of work.


This is the time of year when it’s the hardest to keep our spirits up. The winter drags on as we patiently wait for those first signs of things renewing. Those first brave buds popping up to promise us those greens and colors and warmth that we love so much.

Being from the Midwest, this has always been the worst time of year for me. We have nothing really to look forward to until Memorial Day in May.

And believe me, that seems so far off.

I’m not sure how people feel about this window of time in the sunshine states. Does it bother them, like it does us? Do they feel those post-holiday blues?

I mean, even my dogs seem down! Lolol
Could it be a lack of vitamin D? Cabin fever? Who knows?
That being said, now is when we need to remember that this is the time to rejuvenate! 

To remind ourselves that this will not last forever. 

To do our very best to find every bit of beauty this time of year has to offer!

I know it’s hard. We stress, we celebrate, we shop, we wrap, we get that high from all that holiday rush… (not to mention all that sugar we put into our bodies! Lolol) 

And then…nothing?

This year, take a walk in the park. Or put a bird feeder out in the yard and watch all the wonderful winter birds that come! Change a room around. Craft. Write. Paint. Do yoga. 

Or simply treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers the next time you go to the store.

Just do your best to just remember to enjoy the beauty around us. Even at this time of year. Because it’s there. We just tend to forget to look for it once the holiday craziness has poured out of us.
And this year is even trickier for us. We don’t have the freedom we normally do. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t still enjoy ourselves. 

Call a friend. A family member… just to say hi!

This lull will pass. It always does. And we will once again feel the sun on our faces! 

Take this time to take care of you. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally.
This year more than ever. 

Look forward to what is to come. Because it will come. 

You are your biggest asset. Never forget that.
So, remember to treat yourself kindly.
Stay safe and simply find your fun!

To read more of Darlene's posts, click HERE

Pictures courtesy of Google and Facebook


  1. Thank you for this timely reminder. We often get "lost" in the darkness of winter months.

  2. Yes! We need to be kind to ourselves and dig deep to find that hope!! I'm grateful to have friends like you!

    1. Same here! I am blessed to have such amazing friends!!! They are my sunshine!


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