Colors of Fall
Fall color! Vibrant reds, glowing oranges, brilliant yellows. That's what today's post was supposed to be about. But Seattle has seen little color this month. According to this article the "blob"--warm water over the northeast Pacific Ocean--is robbing us of the chilly nights needed for those rich autumn hues.


While the nights have been mild this fall, we have had fog and rain. Yes, far more gray than color.




How to handle this unanticipated lack of fall splendor that has paled my intended topic? Pivot! A term I'm encountering often lately. So, if fall fails to deliver color, I'll look at gray.

Gray isn't always drab--consider the myriad shades and ways of describing the spectrum between white and black. There isn't even one way of spelling gray or grey, depending on which side of the "pond" you live.

Photo from Unsplash

The scale from white to black is infinitely varied. Nature takes full advantage of the range, from the clouds above to the stones below.




Agate from Pinterest

Gray, silver, smoky, gunmetal, charcoal, slate, ashy, all of these terms bring different images to mind. The mental picture words create is of prime importance to me as a writer.



In my story drafts, having to pivot is something I regularly face. Feedback from beta readers may indicate they don't really know my main character, or her actions need more explanation. The picture I'm trying to paint with my words ends up simply black and white on the page.

Reflecting on what I've written and having to look at things differently so I can incorporate reader feedback brings me back to that most important gray matter--my brain.

Meaning of Gray

So, rather than viewing my story as a drab failure, I can use my gray matter to bring vibrancy to a story that readers will enjoy. And with the rainy days ahead, what better way to spend them than coloring the world of my story?


Dishing Up Christmas

  Bowl Cozies This year I dusted off sewing skills that had been dormant for decades by taking a couple sewing classes. One of the classes f...