Rabbits...How's a Girl to Get Any Rest ~ by Bou

I thought I'd drop by and visit a bit with you. It's been a while. I hope you all are behaving, practicing good hygiene--washing your paws frequently, eating a balanced diet, self distancing, and getting lots of sleep.

It's summer! Finally, my humans have opened the sliding glass door and I can breathe in the fresh outside air. The noise from the air conditioner gets old fast when it is running all the time.

Mommy rabbit
Baby bunny
As you can see by the photos throughout my post, I've been very
 busy! There seems to be an influx of furry little bunnies and their moms that think my patio is a raceway. And, Mom, gotta love her, decided they needed some treats, so she put out apple cores and steel cut oats. I think the rabbits sounded the alarm because now the chipmunks and squirrels are in on the feast.

I watched a squirrel at the water bowl (yeah, the demented woman did that, too) drink for 10 minutes. I timed her. Poor thing, she limped away like her leg hurt. I hope she's okay.

I celebrated a birthday since last we visited. I am now 6 years old. Can you believe it? That makes me 41 in human years. We didn't celebrate, other than lots of love and an extra portion of the "nip", if you know what I mean. **paw to mouth snickers.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my outdoor friends. Have a good summer and stay safe and healthy.  You never know when I might pop by!  Oh, yeah, and make sure you keep up on the antics of my best friend Mazie here on the blog. To view more of my blog posts, stop by my Mom's page by clicking HERE. I know she'd like if you read some of hers, too. =^.^=

**Kitteh purrs and love until next time!


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