Heart Shapes in Nature ~ Jacquolyn McMurray

Have you ever studied nature's patterns? I find it interesting to observe how often Mother Nature repeats herself in spirals, hexagons, tessellations, and heart shapes. 

Red Anthuriums

One of the most common heart-shaped plants in Hawai'i is the anthurium. These simple flowers grow in a variety of colors and sizes.  

White Anthurium in Vase

Although my favorite anthuriums are red, this white with a blush of pink has its own distinct elegance. 

Pink Anthuriums in Entryway

And who can deny that pink anthuriums help make this a charming place to stop and rest?

One of my friends gave me a beautiful book on Hawaiian flowers. Published in 1943, the book is a collection of lithographs and verses like the ones below.

Lithograph by T. J. Mundorff
Like a hand-carved piece of
Red Chinese Lacquer
Each wax-like, wrinkled line
Molded in dreams centuries old. 
You've sacrificed your fragrance 
To other flowers,
And held an unforgettable beauty
All your own.
                                         Raymond A. Stewart, Jr.

But, anthuriums are not the only heart-shaped objects in nature.           

There are leaves,  

coral and lava rock,


and even fruit!

Next time you take a walk, look around and see if you can spot any heart-shaped objects.  I'd love to see what you find.


  1. Beautiful anthurium! I have a number of friends who collect heart stones. Thank you for this lovely reminder to be aware of our surroundings.

  2. Years ago, I started collecting heart-shaped coral when I went beachcombing.

  3. Nature gifts us with so many amazing gifts. I love the lava rock.

    1. Take a look at my fb page to see a hidden heart-shaped rock in my friends yard.

  4. I love this! Nature does gift us with so many beautiful sights!

  5. I was in my early 20s when my good friend married a man from Hawaii and I served as maid of honor. His whole family came to Seattle with huge boxes of flowers for the wedding and we all decorated the church together the night before the ceremony. It was great fun, but I will NEVER forget when one of the women held up an anthurium (her eyes twinkling) and asked me, "Do you know what we call this flower?" A silence settled as every woman in the group turned to hear the answer, their faces expectant and full of toothy grins. "It's the little boy flower." The gales of laughter that followed echoed throughout the church; I can hear them now, and even now cannot stop grinning.

  6. I've not heard anthurium called the little boy flower, but it sure makes sense. Thanks for the story. Made me giggle.

  7. My former employer at the floral shop called them that, too.

    1. Well, I sure missed out on that one! I will be adding that to my vocabulary. *still giggling


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