A Fair Month




It wasn’t the weather, though that was pleasant, and we were even blessed with some rain to help clear the wild fire smoke. Rather, in three weeks we attended three fairs!

The first fair was the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire. I’d never been to this faire but was looking for something my husband might enjoy. The line for parking was terrible and I said I’d rather forget it if we had to wait an hour. Thank goodness just 45 minutes later we were parked and getting our first sight of knights, fair maidens, and fairy creatures.

I had the best time. Ren Faire is now my favorite fair and we
will be back next year. Seeing all the period costumes inspired me to look for clothing appropriate for an herbalist of the time. I want to join in the fun rather than just be a spectator.

The mead (honey wine) tent offered half a dozen varieties and I enjoyed the traditional mead we shared. We brought home two flavors of sarsaparilla, and for lunch we enjoyed a meat pie (with every bite I pushed Sweeney Todd out of my mind 😬), and Scotch eggs.

Amidst the many vendor tents, shows, and events, these were all the nicest people I've ever met. Everyone was so happy to live in a different time, if just for the weekend.

Two weeks later we were off to the Evergreen State Fair. Unfortunately, this fair has diminished greatly since Covid. But we did run across this fancy creature I’ve dubbed Llama Hood. He even had a bow and arrow strapped to his side.


My husband had never been to the Puyallup Fair, now known as the Washington State Fair, and really wanted to attend. So, another week later, we drove an hour to a much bigger fair than the Evergreen State Fair. The first creature we ran into was Cameron, the camel I rode. A camel ride is very rocky, so it's easy to understand one might suffer motion sickness.

Both state fairs are known for the Fisher scones, and I admit, I got sconed. 😄 I love the fair scones served with a generous portion of raspberry jam.




While I eagerly await the fairs next year I will be researching medieval history, customs, and clothing so I can do better than "Can ye tell me where the olde restrooms be found?" (Happily, those were modern.)




1000 Pieces

  Ravensburger jigsaw with interesting artwork   Back in late November our area experienced a significant wind storm that knocked down many ...